Hypnotherapy provides a therapeutic approach that can help support a variety of conditions such as anxiety & panic disorders, phobias, smoking cessation, weight loss, pain management and many more. For a full list of Hypnosuite treatments click the button below for more information.

Welcome to Hypnosuite

I believe in the power of our subconscious minds.  When we tap into this, we have an opportunity to connect the dots and understand ourselves so much more than we could ever imagine. Like any therapeutic practice, hypnotherapy is an evolving process, where the relationship between client and therapist is key to overall success. 

I work with a range of conditions using techniques to help initiate positive change.  There are a range of conditions and frequently asked questions relating to treatment you can find below.

Chris O’Hanlon MBSCH graduated from the London College of Clinical Hypnotherapy (in partnership with the University of West London) where he studied both CPPD (Certificate of Personal and Professional Development) and Post-Graduate studies in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Chris brings both a balanced and comprehensive approach to the practice of hypnotherapy. His discerning and considerate nature allows patients to work towards creating life-changing and achievable goals. Chris offers a professional and confidential service for a range of issues and conditions. 


Chris is a member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists

As a clinical hypnotherapist my aim is to ensure that all of those amazing people I work with receive the very best treatment, while being able to work towards measurable goals. I’ve always been incredibly passionate about helping people and assisting them in their journey to become mentally and physically stronger. The process is about facilitating positive change, which brings greater insight and belief into one’s abilities and direction. Hypnotherapy is about working together in helping the unconscious mind find solutions. It’s an opportunity to incorporate a positive mindset and in so doing create a stronger, more confident person”.


Anorexia & Bulimia

Anxiety & Panic Disorders

Anger Management


Corporate Business


Fear of Flying





Male Issues


Sport Focus

Pain Management

Unwanted Habits
Weight Loss


Chris studied with The London College of Clinical Hypnotherapy, in partnership with the University of West London.

Associate Member of the BSCH

CPPD and Post-Graduate Diploma

Fully CRB Checked

Full Public Indemnity Insurance

Treatment Rooms

Please contact Chris in relation to location and availability for individual and group sessions.



Questions about Hypnosis

Believe it or not, there will have been many times in your life when you have already felt what it is like to ‘be in hypnosis’ but maybe you haven’t labeled it! Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon. Daydreaming and becoming absorbed in something you are doing can be just a couple of ways you have ‘felt’ hypnosis before.

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind; people are often surprised that they hear every word and could get up and walk out of the room at any moment. Unless you enter a deeper state, you may not seem any different, just very relaxed.

It’s similar to drifting off to sleep at night, that stage when you are not quite awake and not quite asleep, you may feel a sense of weightlessness or you may feel heaviness as all your muscles relax. Everyone experiences it differently, and Chris will be able to reassure you and help you relax and enjoy the experience.

Most people are surprised at just how relaxing it is.

Do we give up control of our mind to someone else when we are reading a book or watching a film? In situations like this you are in a hypnotic trance, although you still have the power to emerge from that state if you wished. Whomever hypnotizes you; you always have the power to resist.

When you realize that you are the one in control, when you decide how deeply into hypnosis you wish to go, then you become aware of what hypnosis is. A hypnotherapist is a guide and helps you on a journey, and the change can only be made by you.

Often the realisation that you are in control, and that you can make change yourself is very empowering. You’ll find that the more often you go into hypnosis, aware that you are doing it, the more you realise how easy it is to let go, secure in the knowledge that you can always stop a session if you feel uncomfortable.

No, your conscious will, conscience and morals will still be present throughout and you retain the ability to exercise these at will.

No, absolutely not!

Stage hypnotherapists rely on willing and compliant subjects who have an expectation that they will have fun and may be asked to do silly things.

You will always be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy by Chris and your physical and emotional wellbeing will be safeguarded at all times.

Don’t worry. The only people who can’t be hypnotised are those who don’t want to be. Everyone else can be hypnotised if they want to, but the depths and response levels do differ from person to person.

No not at all. It’s just a deep state of relaxation where you become more open to positive suggestions.

Hypnosis is 100% safe and there are no distressing side effects other than perhaps a feeling of deep relaxation and a feeling of being refreshed and revitalised.

No. It simply doesn’t happen. You are able to come out of the session at any time – all you have to do is tell yourself to do so. You cannot possibly be stuck in hypnosis any more than you can get stuck relaxing in a chair.

In truth, there is no way to know for sure until you have experienced it. If you think about it, that goes for other treatments and medications too. However, you can be assured that generally most people are fully capable of taking part in this form of therapy and enjoying the feeling and results they get from it.

As long as you follow the simple instructions, are open and positive about the approach and process, you should become receptive to the suggestions and obtain improvement.

As with any treatment, there is no ‘magic bullet’ or guarantee that it will work. However, hypnosis does have a very high success rate. At the very least, it will do no harm, and, as a minimum, you may find that you enjoy better sleep, are more relaxed in general, and for most, you will see improvement in your condition, and in many conditions, elimination of the cause of the symptoms.

This depends on how much subconscious change is brought about in the first place. Hypnosis helps to make the change process easier and more natural so that the desired changes seem effortless. If a change has been made to a flawed fundamental belief system, then the cure will be permanent and last for a life-time. If only superficial changes have been made, then it might be only a few days or weeks. This however will still allow a window of opportunity to occur in a person’s life for change to happen. Those people who are motivated to change have the most success.

To a large extent, it depends on the sort of therapy being employed. Some argue that anybody suffering from epilepsy should never be hypnotised, however no literature has cited an epileptic fit being triggered by hypnosis. That said if you suffer from clinical depression, epilepsy, or schizophrenia, then Chris does not advise hypnosis other than under the supervision of your medical doctor or a psychiatrist.

Regression/analytical therapy is also best avoided with pregnant women and heart attack/stroke victims.

Please contact Chris for further information

About the sessions

This is dependant upon you as an individual and the issue you would like to address. Usually about 3 to 5 sessions, after your initial consultation, should be sufficient.

When you realize that you are the one in control, when you decide how deeply into hypnosis you wish to go, then you become aware of what hypnosis is. A hypnotherapist is a guide and helps you on a journey, and the change can only be made by you.

Often the realisation that you are in control, and that you can make change yourself is very empowering. You’ll find that the more often you go into hypnosis, aware that you are doing it, the more you realise how easy it is to let go, secure in the knowledge that you can always stop a session if you feel uncomfortable.

Again, all sessions are dependant on you as an individual and the issue you would like to address. Your initial consultation will give Chris a good insight into the way your treatment should progress.

Chris will take a detailed case history and with some conditions may request permission from you to write to your doctor, to let them know you are having hypnotherapy. He will then discuss your goal and what you would like to see or feel at the end of your sessions.

Using a range of different techniques Chris will relax you, make you feel comfortable and work with you towards achieving your goal.

After a session you may feel uplifted, lighter and very relaxed. Often change is very subtle, as Chris will be working with your subconscious mind, and you may just notice a very positive shift in how you are feeling.

Only if you feel more comfortable doing so. You can sit comfortably on the chair, lay down or even sit on the floor if you would prefer to.

Another misconception is that you won’t be able to remember anything that went on in the session. The truth is that you will be able to remember most of it. 

Any portions not remembered will be where your subconscious mind has chosen to keep it until you are ready to understand more about the memory.

Yes. You will have full use of your faculties and will leave feeling refreshed.

Yes. However, with some conditions Chris may request permission from you to write to your doctor, letting them know you are having hypnotherapy. Only medical history relating to your presenting symptom will be discussed.

Confidentiality is maintained in accordance with the British Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (BSCH) guidelines. Exceptions that may require the breaking of confidentiality include; General Practitioners consent, patient referral, clinical supervision or the immediate risk of danger to the patient or others; Offences covered by; The Children Act 1989 (S47), The Drug Trafficking Offences Act1989 S27 (as amended by the Criminal Justice Act 1993), The Terrorism Act 2000 or serious crime. British courts may also order information disclosure

Chris, his Studio and Payment

Chris graduated from the London College of Clinical Hypnotherapy (in partnership with the University of West London) where he studied both CPPD (Certificate of Personal & Professional Development) and Post-Graduate studies in Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Yes. Chris is an associate member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnotherapy (BSCH Membership). The BSCH is a national professional body whose aim is to promote and assure high standards in the practice of hypnotherapy. Registration demands good quality training, ethical practice and adherence to their professional code of conduct.

Yes. A CRB check is a background check that is performed by the Criminal Records Bureau. It is essential that all people working with children or vulnerable adults are able to produce a current clear ‘enhanced disclosure’ before commencing work.

Your initial consultation will be £70.00. Each session thereafter is between £70.00 to £110.00, depending on the presenting condition and your consultation with Chris.

Yes. You will need to pay Chris the £55 consultancy fee to book your initial assessment. If you then decide to proceed with the treatment, full payment of your next session will be needed before your appointment can be confirmed. You can of course go away after your initial consultation and think about the best course of action for you. If you would then like to book another session you may do so. You do not need to pay for all the sessions in one go unless of course you would like to.

All sessions are non-transferable and non-refundable. Chris of course will use his discretion if there are unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances. If you cannot attend your appointment you will need to give 24 hours’ notice by telephone to be able to re-arrange your appointment using the monies paid.

You can pay via bank transfer, or cash (which will be receipted).

Contact Hypnosuite

Hypnosuite: Addiction

Those who struggle for many years with various addictions know only too well how they can affect your life. However – are you aware a HUGE part of addiction is down to learned behaviour?

This phenomenon around addiction is due to so many of us in the western world having learned to use substances to medicate ourselves and change our feelings. Excess cigarettes, food, alcohol, even excessive shopping…there are so many habits that we can employ to change the way we feel. This may often be because we are bored, or a desire to “punish” oneself for not being more successful, richer, smarter, or we may feel lonely, angry, fed up, irritated, tired, resentful…NONE of which have anything to do with genuinely needing MORE food, MORE alcohol, MORE clothes etc.

Low self-esteem and lack of confidence can greatly affect the set of judgments we make about ourselves, our value, our worthiness, and our competence. So, being in active addiction and having low confidence and low self-esteem can have huge implications in our life both personally and professionally.

Through advanced hypnotherapy you can change your relationship with your addictive habits by retraining your unconscious mind – that part of the mind that holds all our limiting beliefs, associations, cravings, and habitual patterns of behaviour. By treating the underlying cause of your addiction and rebuilding your emotional strength, you can unchain yourself from the shackles of addiction.

It begins with learning how to genuinely feel worthy of breaking free of these unwanted habits and learning how to love yourself, respect yourself and start valuing yourself so that you can face the way you feel and not allow unwanted feelings to destabilise you; understanding that they pass through and that, by facing them, you will become so much stronger and feel so much more in control of your life.

Chris does see those who are addicted to substances and may want to work with your doctor as this is a specialised area.

Hypnosuite: Anorexia & Bulimia

With bulimia, we work to eliminate the habit of eating and purging. This is an opportunity to find alternative methods of relief. When stressful events occur, we use hypnotic suggestion to create a sense of calm, relaxation and well-being. The sessions will allow you to feel calm, happier, and healthier. With anorexia, hypnotherapy can assist in reprogramming your mind, so you see yourself and food from a new perspective. Therapy can also help manage stress without using food and eating as an emotional tool. Hypnosis will help to improve your levels of confidence, relaxation and long-term relationship with food and your body.

Hypnosuite: Anxiety & Panic Disorders

At some point most people have experienced a level of anxiety. Most people can relate to feeling tense, uncertain and, perhaps, fearful at the thought of sitting an exam, going into hospital, attending an interview or starting a new job. If the anxiety stays at a high level for a long time, you may feel that it is difficult to deal with everyday life. The anxiety may become severe; you may feel powerless, out of control, as if you are about to die or go mad. Sometimes, if the feelings of fear overwhelm you, you may experience a panic attack.

Hypnotherapy can help anxious feelings by eliminating irrational feelings and the thoughts that can trigger anxiety or panic attacks. With anxiety being a natural emotion, it is linked to our survival instincts, and this is very true of panic attacks. Hypnotherapy works by relaxing the conscious mind so that we can communicate with the subconscious. The subconscious is the part of us that holds all our automatic responses, our habits and our instincts.

Hypnosuite: Anger Management

Both anger and frustration are normal healthy responses, however sometimes they can get out of control. When this happens, it can lead to other problems within work, social situations, relationships or simply in enjoying life.

Using visualization and suggestion, hypnotherapy helps to bring about a positive and lasting change, allowing patients to be assertive, not aggressive, and identify the triggers that can cause such reactions.
For many who experience bulimia or anorexia it can be a means of control, distraction, punishment or relief. Each person’s case is individual.

Hypnosuite: Confidence

Perhaps you have recently lost your confidence or have had long-term low confidence issues. However, you have the power to easily become who you want to be. You see, you are already the person you’ve been dreaming about becoming.

When you remove the negative thoughts, strategies, and beliefs, you become your ideal self. Hypnotherapy can help to restore yourself so that you can lose your fears, insecurities and doubts and use your confidence to improve your life.

Hypnosuite: Corporate Business

Many companies now look at how to improve sickness and absence records and often use hypnotherapy to do this. Hypnotherapy can cater for the varying needs of a company’s needs. Effective training and development for company employees include:

  • confidence building;
  • smoking cessation;
  • weight-control issues;
  • increasing focus and motivation;
  • public speaking confidence;
  • managing stress; and
  • managing anxiety.

Hypnosuite: Depression

Depression is more than simply feeling unhappy or fed up for a few days. We all go through spells of feeling down, but when you’re depressed you feel persistently sad for weeks or months, rather than just a few days. Some people still think that depression is trivial and not a genuine health condition. They’re wrong. Depression is a real illness with real symptoms, and it’s not a sign of weakness or something you can “snap out of” by “pulling yourself together”.

The good news is that with the right treatment and support, most people can make a full recovery. In life it is important to bring about positive change. Whilst anti-depressant medication can help with depression it is not a cure in itself.

Addressing the cognitive-emotional issues allow patients to find the necessary tools to reinforce a positive lifestyle. By incorporating cognitive-behavioural techniques into therapy this can enhance the treatment. Hypnotherapy seeks to uncover the root cause of the negative feelings and emotion, thus removing the symptoms.

Hypnosuite: Fear of Flying

Flying for many people isn’t the joyous event it should be. They are often overcome with feelings of fear and panic about stepping onto a plane, the long journey, the sound of the engines or the feel of turbulence. All of these experiences can make travel ultimately terrifying.

Hypnosis is effective at eliminating these feelings, allowing patients to enjoy travel. By replacing old thought patterns you will be able to feel comfortable, from the moment you book your ticket to the experience of the flight itself.

Hypnosuite: Hypnobirthing

Many women dream of having the ‘perfect’ pregnancy and labour experience, where they feel blooming and radiant and fully in control of the changes occurring within their bodies, with all the time in the world to look after themselves and their growing bump! However, there can often be many other factors that can get in the way and influence this, such as work, older siblings to care for, hectic social lives to juggle, partners to involve etc, that can all add up to you being left feeling rather frazzled and far from serene or in control!

Hypnosis can help alleviate the stress and anxiety that can be brought on by these factors, giving the expectant Mum time out from the hassles, with techniques to relax, unwind and de-stress whenever she feels the need, right through pregnancy, childbirth and to holding their newborn baby in their arms. In helping to alleviate pain during the birthing process, hypnotherapy has been proved effective in helping a woman’s pain response and in some cases eliminates the need for pain-relief medication.

Hypnosuite: Jealousy

The word jealousy typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something of great personal value. Jealousy is a natural emotion, but it can be painful and difficult to control.

Perhaps you need help in your thoughts about jealousy. Hypnosis can help you become clear headed and helps to prevent over-thinking and jealous thoughts. Regression therapy can allow you to reframe any painful past experiences and change them to something that help teach you positive things. It can also help to remove any wrong impressions they may have been given to you. Hypnotherapy can also help you to put painful experiences to bed and not allow them to cause you pain in the present time. It can also help to build your self-confidence, your self-esteem and your ability to love yourself. All of these will have profound positive effects on your life.

Hypnosuite: Insomnia

Both anger and frustration are normal healthy responses, however sometimes they can get out of control. When this happens, it can lead to other problems within work, social situations, relationships or simply in enjoying life.

Using visualization and suggestion, hypnotherapy helps to bring about a positive and lasting change, allowing patients to be assertive, not aggressive, and identify the triggers that can cause such reactions.
For many who experience bulimia or anorexia it can be a means of control, distraction, punishment or relief. Each person’s case is individual.

Hypnosuite: IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gut disorder and the cause is not known. Symptoms can be quite variable and include abdominal pain, bloating, and sometimes bouts of diarrhoea and/or constipation. Some people have occasional mild symptoms. Others have unpleasant symptoms for long periods. Many people fall somewhere in between, with flare-ups of symptoms from time to time. There is no cure for IBS, but symptoms can often be eased with treatment.

There are many studies to suggest that hypnosis is effective in the treatment of IBS. In helping to re-program the unconscious mind, patients can reduce and even stop IBS symptoms. Hypnotherapy can help you break the cycle of pain and anxiety related to IBS and has done so for many people.

Hypnosuite: Anger Management

It can understandably be very difficult for people to talk about and seek help for intimate or personal issues. Sexual problems are, however, remarkably common in both men and women and can be treated easily and effectively using hypnosis. Many men experience issues from premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation or emotional impotence, and this is very common at different stages of life. There can be many factors which can cause this to occur and it’s important to remember you’re not alone. Hypnotherapy is proven to be effective in helping with the psychological issues around male performance and helps patients to address and solve their particular issue. Here at The Hypnotherapy Suite you can rest assured that sexual problems are commonly treated and are always dealt with in a sensitive and professional way.

Hypnosuite: Phobias

Phobias can have a detrimental effect on your everyday life. These days, modern life operates at such a fast pace, often encouraging phobias to be brought to conscious awareness. You may not have even been aware of it until recently or you may have had your phobia for many years. Hypnotherapy can help to identify the root cause of the phobia and enable individuals to react to the particular object or situation they once feared in a calmer manner when encountering it in the future. Phobias are displaced fears and because they are not rational, they can be dealt with. Once the phobic response has been recognised then the unconscious mind has the opportunity to change. Hypnosis is useful in helping bring about understanding and a change in phobic responses. Hypnotherapy can also help with relaxation and visualisation techniques for desensitisation and forming new habits such as being more calm and relaxed.

Hypnosuite: Sport Focus

Whether you are a professional sports person or want to become more focused in your chosen sporting pursuit, our belief in our success is an integral part of how we perform. It’s our mind which drives our body, allowing optimum performance. Most importantly, replacing mental doubts, fears and insecurities with positive, life affirming focus, enables the mind to remain focused and driven in any challenge.

Sports people often refer to being in the ‘zone’. This means that they get totally absorbed in what they are doing and barely notice outside distractions when performing at their best. Hypnosis can often help individuals access the ‘zone’ so that they can use this to enhance their performance. The use of hypnosis with guided imagery and creative visualisation, deep relaxation techniques and mental goal setting greatly enhance sporting performance – focusing the mind on positively and achievement to help you enhance your mental strength and improve your performance, focus and concentration in both training and competition. As a qualified personal trainer, Chris knows how the use of hypnosis builds a greater mind/body connection, enhancing performance and achieving greater results.

Hypnosuite: Pain Management

A little pain usually is a good thing. It’s our alarm system. It’s our body’s way of saying, “Hey, that’s hot… get away before it hurts you!” But when the pain lingers on and on, it’s no longer helpful. Chronic pain can disrupt your normal lifestyle. If you suffer from chronic pain, you should know that there are ways to cope. Chronic pain does not need to run, or ruin, your life.

Our bodies and minds are connected. Stress, tension and stirred emotions can aggravate pain. By finding ways to reduce the stress in your life and deal with your troubling emotions, your pain likely will decrease. Deep breathing, visualization and other relaxation techniques can help you calm your mind and reduce your pain.

Regardless of the type of pain you may be experiencing, hypnosis can alleviate the mind’s response to pain, giving you a greater degree of control over how it affects your life. Pain-management programs can help with back pain, cancer pain, joint and nerve pain, migraine and arthritic pain. Using both direct suggestion and manageable ways to relax, hypnosis can bring relief and have a positive effect on reducing the pain response.

Hypnosuite: Procrastination

At some point you may have wanted to bury your head in the sand, however procrastination often prevents us from achieving our goals or doing what is most important to us. Our tasks don’t often go away but instead can mount up, which then adds to the anxiety that is often felt.

Creating new thought patterns allows us to complete tasks and activities. Hypnosis allows the unconscious mind to be reprogrammed so that our mind knows what has to be done and then goes about the process, ultimately breaking the pattern of procrastination.

Hypnosuite: Smoking

We now have an abundance of research and science telling us just how bad smoking is for our health and yet for many, it is an incredibly hard habit to break. People often start smoking out of curiosity, peer pressure or simply out of boredom and before long, an addiction is formed. Quitting this kind of physical and mental addiction often takes more than will power alone to accomplish. Researching the effects of smoking, learning what you’ll gain from quitting and discovering all the different ways you can quit is an important first step to breaking the habit. It is important to know that it is never too late to quit. The sooner you stop smoking, the faster your body will recover and your risk of developing life-threatening conditions will decrease. A big part of quitting smoking is letting go of the smoking routine you once had and looking at cigarettes differently. Hypnotherapy is fast becoming one of the most popular forms of treatment to help do this. If you are considering hypnotherapy to quit smoking the first step is to make sure you are choosing to quit for yourself. Hypnotherapy is most effective when you really want to quit – if you are doing it because you think you ‘should’ or because a friend or family member is pushing you, you may not get the results you want. Some people find hypnotherapy alone is enough to break the habit, while others prefer to combine it with NRT or medication to tackle both the physical and mental addiction together. By exploring all the avenues you should find a suitable treatment that will help you quit smoking for good.

Hypnosuite: Unwanted Habits

Many habits often develop from childhood but sometimes begin in adulthood. Habits are normally formed with regular repetition of a pattern or behaviour which over time becomes automatic and is effortlessly carried out by the subconscious mind with little effort from the conscious mind. Over time you may be barely aware of its presence, and it becomes an automatic response. Occasionally these can be detrimental to our lifestyles. When you’ve decided you want to break a habit, hypnotherapy techniques can help you get rid of unwanted habits and behaviours because it reaches the source – the subconscious. It can be surprisingly easy to replace an old habit with different routines which feel good and are more acceptable to you. All you need to do is want to stop. It’s as simple as that! And if you make that choice, you will be able to enjoy the changes very quickly with a little help. So whether your habit is nail biting, thumb sucking, swearing, teeth grinding, nose touching, eye lash/eye brow picking or skin scratching etc., hypnosis can be of benefit to you.

Hypnosuite: Weight Loss

There’s no denying it; trying to lose weight can be a long and challenging journey. If you’ve ever tried and failed to lose weight before then you probably know just how frustrating it can be – especially when feelings like stress, low self-esteem, sadness and boredom crop up. It’s not unusual for people to get into a cycle of dieting, overeating, feeling guilty and dieting again. This is known as ‘yoyo dieting’ and makes weight-loss difficult to sustain.

Hypnosis for weight loss has proven itself time and time again. Hypnosis is often used to assist in the reduction of weight when combined with a sensible calorie-controlled diet and good fitness plan. Using safe and natural hypnotic techniques changes how you approach food, allowing a healthier lifestyle to be achieved. Like any good nutrition and fitness plan, hypnosis works on the long-term goals, using suggestion to bring about a more permanent change. With Chris’ experience as a qualified personal trainer and clinical hypnotherapist, you can achieve your weight-loss goals.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Chris is a member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists. As a clinical hypnotherapist my aim is to ensure that all of those amazing people I work with receive the very best treatment, while being able to work towards measurable goals. I’ve always been incredibly passionate about helping people and assisting them in their journey to become mentally and physically stronger. The process is about facilitating positive change, which brings greater insight and belief into one’s abilities and direction. Hypnotherapy is about working together in helping the unconscious mind find solutions. It’s an opportunity to incorporate a positive mindset and in so doing create a stronger, more confident person”.